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3 min read
Nine Things to do While Waiting
You’ve heard of The Dating Game, right? How about The Waiting Game? I’m terrible at waiting. Just one example comes from my early...

4 min read
Finding the Up Side in this Year's Downs
A year of ups and downs, huh? “Ups?” you say? Yes, despite what’s happened, I am determined to keep #lookingup. A year ago Sunday I flew...

3 min read
Just Do It
Halfway into the closet months of COVID last year, I found myself just paralyzed. I seemingly couldn’t put one foot in front of the other...

3 min read
#LookingUp When You're Discouraged
I’ve had a couple weeks of struggle trying to launch an online masterclass called Prayer School. The chat experts from the venue have...

4 min read
Feeling Rammed with Finances?
Years ago when Craig proposed to me, I was a senior in college, and he was a first-year law school student. One of the crazy, random...

2 min read
Hearing Better in 2021
“She has a mind of her own.” That was what I heard my mom say about me as a child. And what does that mean? At the best, determined,...

4 min read
Word of the Year, Part 1
“Words, words, words,” Hamlet says in the library scene of Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet. Often played with humor, Shakespeare’s scene helps...

3 min read
Need Some Christmas Grace?
I found a cute pair of salt and pepper shakers at our new antiques store in Loyalton–Lombardi Mercantile. I might have overlooked them...

3 min read
Church is not the Foundation
A little reflection on the 50th anniversary this week of my faith commitment. I was raised going to church in Hudson in upstate New...

3 min read
From Nothing to Something
“Words. Words. Words.” A famous line spoken by Hamlet–one of my favorite lines from Shakespeare. Words fascinate me. How can something...

3 min read
Enduring for a Season
In our son’s sophomore year of high school, he had knee surgery to repair a torn meniscus and torn cartilage. The timing worked out,...

2 min read
You Can do This
Does your life look like a shipwreck right now? Maybe you’re sick or your loved ones are. Maybe you’ve lost someone dear to you. Maybe...

2 min read
The Oxymoronic Prayer
When I taught high school English, Romeo and Juliet provided many an example of the oxymoron–a short figure of speech that has...

2 min read
How do you say Grace?
I am betting more people than normal will be using the word “grace” this week. “Will you say the grace?” After all, some kind of giving...

2 min read
When you Need a Time Out
Do you feel you need a time out? As though you’re in a fast-paced game and there’s no break in sight for a rest? For direction? For...

2 min read
Finding that Comfy Spot
Do you have a comfy chair for relaxing and reading or even writing? Years ago several writer friends and I drove to Reno for the day to...

2 min read
Finding that Elusive Peace
Christmas is coming, and as I find myself making a Christmas list for my immediate family of 20, plus other family and friends, I...

3 min read
Always the Answer
was thinking about the typical kid sayings the other day when I took four of the grandkiddos to the dentist. It was a day of . . . Five...

3 min read
Quenching my Thirst
I live in the largest alpine valley in North America: the Sierra Valley. At about 5,000 feet in elevation, the Sierra Valley is...

2 min read
Finding Hope
Hope: n. desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment I can have hope for a good future because I trust God. I do not...
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