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  • janetmchenry

Breaking Down Tasks Prayerfully

Sometimes tasks seem overwhelming.

I never imagined that I could write a book. I don’t sit still very well. I get distracted by to-do things and immediately want to take care of them so I don’t have worry about them, or worse, forget them.

But then I learned how to break down the whole work into achievable parts. A word or idea or title comes to me. Then I create a proposal with among other things, an annotated table of contents and write one or more chapters.

When the contract comes, it could seem like an overwhelming task–all those words! But I’ve learned to break the deadline down to chapter deadlines, with a system to research, think, then write. God gave Moses what might have seemed like an overwhelming task–to build a tabernacle with all the worship elements. The Lord made a series of commands. “You….” “You….” “You….” Thankfully, by that time Moses had learned to delegate, and craftsmen stepped forward to build the various items to the specifications the Lord gave Moses: tabernacle, bronze altar, court, garments and more. At the end Moses said, effectively, “We did it!” When you’re faced with an impossible load, look up, ask God for help, and then look around you to ask others to help. “Teach me to be diligent, Lord.” Janet McHenry is an award-winning speaker and the author of 24 books, including the bestselling PrayerWalk and her newest, The Complete Guide to the Prayers of Jesus. She would LOVE to be considered as the speaker for your next event.

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