I never felt special.
I wasn’t the smartest kid in the class–there were always others smarter than I.
I wasn’t the most athletic. The one swim contest I entered I got third . . . out of three.
I also never thought I was attractive. Enough said.
To matter in this world, I took on leadership roles to earn others’ respect. In my senior year in high school I ran for and won SIX offices, including senior class secretary (of a class of 406) and newspaper editor. I thought I’d make my mark by DOING things. Instead, I only made myself exhausted.
Two years later I learned that I could have a personal relationship with Jesus. I had known him, had grown up in the church, and had even worshipped him. But this was new–HE wanted a relationship with ME.
Like the Israelites I learned this scriptural truth: “The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession” (Deut. 7:6).
I am treasured. God values me and wants a relationship with me. He wants to delight me, inspire me, fulfill me, and walk with me, day by day.
YOU are his treasured possession, too. And if you’re trying to find your worth in doing things or winning things or being the prettiest/smartest/most athletic . . . just STOP, okay? Just stop.
Because Jesus loves you . . . and he is enough.
Janet McHenry is an award-winning speaker and the author of 24 books, including the bestselling PrayerWalk and her newest, The Complete Guide to the Prayers of Jesus. She would LOVE to be considered as the speaker for your next event.
More about #prayer, #prayerwalking and #PrayerSpeaker: www.janetmchenry.com
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